The BioSonic Bloom


Product Name: The BioSonic Bloom

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The BioSonic Bloom is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


And Accidentally Discovered The Perfect Hertz Frequency That Stimulates The
Human Brain…

I am about to tell you a story of a farmer in a cornfield in Iowa who discovered a way to increase
his crop yields by 5 times, that has been buried in history since the 1970’s…

And a secretive compound hidden in the Highlands of Scotland (that “broke all conceivable records”
by growing giant vegetables in rocky, inhospitable ground)…

Leading to sudden increases of wealth and abundance (only in those who are able to access certain
frequency sound files, that were developed in a secret lab)…

But first, I want to tell you why all this matters.

You see, I discovered all this when I was trying to help a friend in need…

An old friend I hadn’t heard from in years, but who sent me a letter out of nowhere asking me to help
her get out of a desperate situation…

The letter started ordinary enough, telling me about her home life and two kids….almost as
though she was trying to “sound normal.”…

But then it turned dark, revealing that she was in a desperate situation with no way out she
could see…

Unable to go out to visit friends…

Having to cook and clean and take care of her two children with no help…

She had no say over her time, her social life, or even her money anymore…

And in fact, she had no money anymore…at least none to speak of.

Everything was going to her husband’s accounts, and then going out, “who knows where” – all she knew
was her husband suddenly had a lot of fancy gadgets, clothes, and expensive trips booked – without

Meanwhile she was on lockdown inside her giant, dark mansion of a house…

From the outside everything looked fine, like she had a “picture perfect” marriage and

She had no income, no health insurance, no friends left, and no future in sight…she was trying to
hide it all from the kids, but they were catching on (even at their young ages)…

She was desperate to just get out.

She told me she knew she needed to leave “before something really terrible happens” – but she
couldn’t see how.

She was out of money – and didn’t see how she would be able to survive on her own “out there”
two kids in tow.

She was reaching out to me as her last hope.

She added one final note to the letter – which felt like a kick in the gut.

“P.S. And yes. Before you ask. I’ve been trying to use what you sent me. It used to work. But….I
can’t use it any more. He won’t let me… he took them. Just like he took my phone.”

It was that last line that really got to me.

And made me feel like I had to do something.

You see, I was the creator of something that had helped millions of people get out of situations
just like hers.

It was a scientifically developed “brain supplement” that took ordinary people, and heightened
brain function, allowing them to seemingly create wealth out of nowhere –

…and in fact, was what had created the rich, luxurious lifestyle that my friend had been living (before
her husband went off the deep end)!

What in modern times, we now know is really a tiny gland in the center of the human brain,
called the “pineal gland.”

If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, maybe you’ve see all the reports of how
the discovery of this gland, and the ability to unblock and reactivate it –

And what’s been happening for people with access to the “secret formula” –

Such as sudden onsets of wealth, increased energy and enhanced mental functioning, and even
of it revitalizing their health and helping them find their soulmate in life.

Which has been blocked (or “calcified”) by two recent developments of modern society:

The cell phone (used one of those lately?)

And – weirdly enough – fluoride.

Fluoride calcifies your pineal gland by leaving crystals on it, so that it can no longer function

And cell phones interfere with the signals your internal pineal “brain antenna” tries to send and

This is why modern humans have a much harder time connecting to the energy of the universe – and
receiving the natural abundance that is our birthright!

And this is exactly what the supplements I had developed, fixed for people.

(If you haven’t had a chance to try it, I suggest you look it up! Just remember to look for Pineal XT –
that’s my bonafide brand. The others you may find out there are actually copycats of my original

Including this lady and her husband.

They weren’t born with money. They’d made it themselves, using modern, cutting-edge mental and
manifestation tools like mine…

You see, I’d been sending her bottles of my “magic manifestation formula” for a while

And thinking everything was okay.

But now…at her most desperate hour….she was asking for help, saying: “he won’t let me use
them any more.”

And she was right. It WAS what I would have said – “take some…now!”

After all, all she had to do was take some more of my secret formula, and the way forward out of her
troubles would instantly have opened up for her –

All the insight, money, and help she needed to solve her problems and get out of this situation
would appear.

But now, that was obviously not an option – not anymore.

“Just like he took my phone.”

My blood ran cold reading those words. What would be next? Her car keys? Her kids?

Shhh….here’s what I happened to be reading about while sitting in my lab that morning, before her
disturbing letter arrived…

Hamburger Helper was a brand new idea.

Led Zeppelin and Elton John were at the top of the charts.

And one morning in rural Iowa, a Farmer named George MacDonald (I kid you not) woke up with a
strange question rolling around in his head…

“Why do the birds start chirping just before dawn?”

He wondered if it had something to do with the natural signals plants needed to grow.

He decided to do an experiment.

He set up some speakers all around the edges of his fields.

Then, he played classical music for his corn. Dawn to dusk.

(Well, he played it for all his other crops as well – but the corn was just what the neighbors could

But that didn’t stop George.

He’d always been interested in science as a kid.

Always testing out some kind of “theory” in his parents basement or shed with his grandpa’s old
set of tools and electrical wires.

And now, he thought he might be onto something.

Well, a little time went by…and it turned out he WAS onto something…something big!

After “listening” to the music George was broadcasting from the radio out to his fields…

His squash plants grew 5 squash to a stem instead of one…

And that was just squash and corn. Soon he noticed that the music was having an effect on something that
he’d never intended – because it wasn’t even in his garden!

One morning he looked out at the Black Walnut tree out in front of his house, and realized that it was
growing at twice its normal rate!

It towered over the other trees like it in the neighborhood.

They were dead serious. In fact, they were envious. Some people who heard of the farmer’s
success, even tried playing music for their own crops…

But here’s the funny thing. It didn’t work for them!

At least, not as well as it did for George. Why?

Well, apparently, they didn’t know what kind of music to play.

Some of them played country music. Some tried Rock n Roll.

But you see, George had tried all those types too. And he finally settled on Classical.

Why Classical worked is something that he didn’t really understand, but it was discovered later – it
all had to do with frequencies, and something used to measure music, called “Hertz.”

Hertz measures the number of cycles or oscillations that occur per second.

The farmer in Iowa, of course, didn’t know all this – and most people today still don’t know

George soon caught the attention of some other pretty serious people too – some scientists at NIH
(that’s the National Institute of Health, in case you’re wondering).

These scientists were very interested in finding out if they could prove that music could actually
affect plants – especially plant growth and resistance to disease.

So, they started conducting some research and studies.

And they discovered some incredible things about how plants (and trees) respond to music!

I’m about to tell you what they were – but before I do….

I want you to close your eyes for a second, and imagine that cornfield in Iowa.

I want you to picture the farmer standing on the edge of his field, playing music for his

Now picture that corn growing lush and green, greener than any corn in the surrounding

Now picture the squash plants, the strawberries, the apple trees…

Picture them growing and blossoming in the waves of music the farmer is playing for them…

Imagine each branch and stem of each plant blooming with five flowers each – not one – and imagine each
of those flowers producing fruits…

Imagine them vibrating to the magical frequencies they are being bathed in from the speakers he has set
all around them…

See how strong, vibrant, and disease-resistant each of the plants and trees in the farmer’s field has

See them standing out, glowing with health and abundance, over all the other gardens in the surrounding

Imagine that it’s YOUR brain….being bathed in those special frequencies.

Imagine that the secret musical formula they discovered has the same effect.

And that suddenly, your brain is vibrating at a level higher than everyone else around you.

And that because of this, you suddenly begin experiencing amazing levels of GROWTH and ABUNDANCE
and vibrant HEALTH in your life…

Only, instead of manifesting as taller corn, and more fruits per stalk, and a towering oak

Maybe even resulting in the love of your life appearing “out of nowhere” to sweep you off your

Not only is it possible – but it’s already become a reality.

It’s already happening.

I’ll explain. But first…

Let me take you somewhere for a moment…

Desperate to help my friend, and fascinated by the article I’d stumbled across, I asked

“Hmmm…I wonder if there’s a connection?”

If you’ve ever had that feeling, that two totally different things are actually
or signs you should pay attention to? You know what I mean.

However, I’m a skeptic, not a zealous blind believer (in anything) – and I’m also a

And you’ll never believe what I came up with.

Turns out, that farmer in Iowa was onto something when he thought that maybe his plants liked

But it wasn’t really that they “liked music” …

Not just growing – but growing incredibly tall, lush and abundant, multiplying in harvest
output, and outstripping all the other gardens in the state.

You see, the truth is all plants have something called “stomata” ….which respond to sound

Here’s how this helps them grow…

Stomata are tiny pores or openings found on the surface of plant leaves, stems, and other organs.

These pores play a crucial role in a plant’s ability to take in nutrients.

Even more interesting, each stoma is flanked by two specialized cells called guard cells, which control
its opening and closing.

AND, it’s been discovered that certain Sound waves in a specific Hertz range can stimulate the opening
of stomata!

which directly results in:

By opening the stomata, sound waves may help the plant absorb nutrients, leading to enhanced growth.

Sound waves may also affect cellular functions within the plant, promoting more efficient uptake of water
and nutrients.

Combining foliar spray with specific sound frequencies maximizes the plant’s
ability to absorb and utilize nutrients, often leading to improved growth rates, larger yields, and
healthier plants.

Well… in the past, it’s been hidden away in isolated, guarded places and obscure studies most people
have never heard of…but fortunately,

I happen to be a relentless (some would say obsessive)

When I was sitting in my lab, diving down research rabbit holes, just trying to find a way to help
my friend out of a desperate situation?

Well, I found a lot more than that.

Here’s what I discovered…

Fast forward from the 1970’s to now –

what was once an “interesting theory” or “curious phenomenon” has officially become reality…

Many, many studies have been done by highly reputable and well known institutions between then
and now – including…

NIH / National Institute of Health (US)

National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (South Korea)

University Of Florence (Italy)

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan)

…and that’s just the short list!

Showing that plants exposed to certain types of music, particularly classical, show improved growth
rates and better overall health.

No longer is this an obscure, unknown newspaper story from Iowa…

The theories behind why this might happening include:

But wait. Remember – I’m not just any ordinary researcher.

I’m also a laboratory owner – and designer of some of the most cutting edge, innovative
solutions for human growth potential…

Who came up with the world’s most potent effective and potent way to stimulate and activate another
type of cell –

That of the Pineal Gland in the Human Brain.

So far, my supplements had been crazily effective –

Resulting in thousands and thousands of people enjoying levels of spiritual abilities, intuitive
powers, wealth, love, and abundance they never had before….

So, with that said – I KNEW that I had the power and knowledge to develop things like this.

But what if, I thought – like was happening with my friend in another country – someone wasn’t able
to access bottles of supplement for some reason?

And find a way to make it help humans prosper?

What if this worked every bit as well as my physical supplements – maybe even more?

The possibilities were staggering.

So at that point, I had to ask myself: “what if” –?

Well, once again, what I discovered when I dove back into my research, blew me away.

Certain sound wave frequencies, or Hertz (Hz), are believed to have beneficial effects on both humans
and plants!

Of course, I wanted to find out exactly which ones had the most powerful crossover benefits.

And after a bit more digging, I found them.

They are (drumroll)….528 Hertz, and 432 Hertz.

Well…that set the wheels turning in my head you can be

I could hardly wait to get to work.

I decided I would call my top lab assistants to have them come in tomorrow, first thing…

In order to start the process of developing a brand new thing.

A brand new way to activate and stimulate the human brain to experience record levels of growth and
abundance – far beyond what has ever been achieved before.

I envisioned my process and results to be similar to what I’d achieved with my Pineal Gland formula

Only this time, I wanted it to be in a slightly different format… Add this instead of a pill.

Because of my friend. (Remember her?)

SHE was the reason I’d stumbled on all this incredibly valuable new knowledge….

And so, of course SHE would be the first to “test it out” and see if it worked…

And hopefully use it to spring free of her frightening predicament.

As you also might remember – she wasn’t able to “own” any bottles of pills anymore.

(Or ANYTHING of her own, if I was understanding her messages right. Grrrr.)

Her voice on the line was hard to hear.

I had to get up and shut the door to the hall, and the fan in my window, just so I could make
out the words.

It didn’t help that she was in another country. There was definitely a buzzing on the line.

I was afraid we might get disconnected at any moment.

“An_______e? Are you there?”

I wasn’t sure if there was someone on the other end, maybe in the room with her, who might
overhear our conversation.

“Yes it’s me,” she said quickly, in a low shaky voice. I guess there was someone nearby – or maybe
in the next room.

“I needed to hear your voice one more time…”

“Wait – what?” I said, trying not to sound too alarmed.

“What do you mean? Are you in a safe place?”

“I’m okay,” she said.

“But I’m not sure for how long. I really need to get out of here…”

I could tell she was holding back tears.

“Listen,” I said. “I think I might have a way to help you.

I’m working on it. But it might take just a few days…or maybe a few weeks.

Can you hold on that long?”

She sniffed, then went quiet.

“Shhh,” she finally said.

“I can hear someone coming. I can’t really talk any longer. I’ll try to wait, yes, but…”

I heard the noise of a door opening, then slamming somewhere in the house.

“Please hurry. I don’t think I have weeks. I don’t even think I might have days…

“Oh, and in case you’re thinking about it? I know you. How you always try to help people. Don’t even try
to send me money. It won’t help.”

“I won’t be able to use it for anything. I can’t go out anymore.”

“What?” I said again. “You don’t mean…”

But that was it. The line clicked off.

She wasn’t even able to say goodbye.

I reached for the phone again, only this time it was to call my assistants in…TONIGHT.

We had to get going on this thing.

I assembled my “crew” together on the floor of the lab, as soon as they arrived… and brought them
up to speed.

I let them know we had a crucial mission to accomplish…

That someone’s livelihood – even life – may very well depend on it…

And then, I told them about what I’d discovered in the research I’d done on plant growth, music
frequencies, and the human brain…

And that our mission was this:

All our tests showed that the new supplement was not only performing at similar levels to the
old one – but it’s ability to stimulate growth in and abundance in the human brain is
laser-focused – and works without needing to take a single physical pill!

You see, this team was the very same team that had been with me when we developed our first
breakthrough supplement – Pineal XT – and so they knew what was possible.

They knew that I wasn’t just “inventing tall tales” …

They knew from experience…

They’d seen the evidence before their very eyes…

How people’s lives were changed as soon as they started taking it…

They’d seen ordinary humans be able to tap into their latent psychic abilities, developing an
enhanced “six sense” that let them know where to find windfalls of cash…

They’d observed as people started finding their true purpose in life – and become healthy and
self-confident, often resulting in finally finding the LOVE of their lives, too…

They’d even watched as those using our formula were able to ascend spiritually, access higher
consciousness and become a self-actualized version of themselves…what they often referred to as
their “true selves.”

If it sounds too good to be true, take if from a born skeptic: it’s not.

And, THEY knew it’s not a fairy tale – far from it. They saw it happen for people everyday.

They were proud of the work they’d helped me achieve.

They were proud of the lives they’d helped change.

And they were ready to go ALL IN on this new invention!

I won’t bore you with the details of what it takes to develop a fully functioning, scientifically
designed formula, that can affect brain performance and output.

Plus, a lot of what happened over the next 72 hours is a blur in my mind now…

A fast-forward movie of mathematical formulas, Hertz frequencies, sound waves, and tests.

We would dial in all the data we had on the frequencies that promoted extraordinary plant
growth, make sure it was safe levels of decibels for the human brain, compile endless sound
files, and layers of specific numbers of beats…

During the time we were doing this, my mind kept flashing back to the first days of developing
the Pineal XT Formula that would eventually take the world by storm…

I remembered how excited we all were when the brain scans came back after we did our testing, and how
could easily see the greater electromagnetic activity…

We had physical proof that something was happening, the electromagnetic resonance was building in
our brain.

And how over the course of the next few weeks, I started to notice other things.

I felt more energized, I was sleeping better, I was able to think more clearly.

All I needed to do was to focus on what it was that I desire, and the Universe would bring it
directly into my life in one way or another.

Whether it was a new job…

Or an unexpected opportunity for travel…

Or an old “flame” suddenly reaching out to reconnect.

It was like the world was my oyster – just because I’d opened up to it

I’m thrilled to say that, while my first attempt at creating a brain-boosting supplement took months
of trial and error…

The development of the NEW one went much faster!

(It’s amazing what a little pressure can do, when faced with a life-altering deadline).

All our tests showed that the new supplement was not only performing at similar levels to the old
one – but it’s ability to stimulate growth in and abundance in the human brain is laser-focused

and works without needing to take a single physical pill!

This is exactly what we were going for, and the results paid off hugely.

We are now very excited to be able to introduce…

This formulation is based on the exact same frequencies that have been shown to open and activate the
Stomata of plants and trees, to receive and use the nutrients and energy from nature at greatly
increased rates…

Resulting in measurable benefits such as growth, health, and abundance – such as taller plants, more
fruits, and even disease resistance.

We have distilled and layered these very same frequencies in a way that can
stimulate the human brain
to increase abundance, wealth, and health – using the same logical process and sound layers –
both 538 Hz and 432 Hz frequencies…

Only instead of stimulating plant Stomata, we can now activate and open the human brain,
starting with the pineal gland, to receive and use the energy of the universe at greatly
increased rates…

Resulting in measurable benefits such as increased wealth, abundance, and
vibrant health.

This is THE first and only product that applies the science of plant bioacoustics to sonic
stimulation of the human brain for growth and abundance.

And, because it’s in a non-physical, “digital packet” form, it gets delivered and is available to
start taking as soon as you get your order in.

I can’t WAIT for you to try it out!

Don’t worry – the VERY first bottle of this was of course sent off to my friend in need – via encrypted
digital file, so ONLY she could open, download and use it.

(I’ll update you on what happened for her, in a moment).

In the meantime, I am releasing a VERY small “beta testers” amount of this into the public at this time…for
early adopters only, who would like to be on the cutting edge of this new advancement in science!

As I said, we are releasing only a limited amount of this new formula to start with.

I expect that once this gets out into the mainstream market, it will be in HIGH demand.

So, if you want to get yours immediately and not end up on a waiting list, I highly suggest you order and
download yours in the next 24-48 hours.

This is what really makes this formula unique.

Each dose comes in a “digital packet” form so that you can instantly download and consume it when and how it
best works for you – from any device. No need for messy pills, powders, or bottles that can get lost or seen
by others.

You can take your BioSonic Bloom digital dose any time you like – although we recommend that you take it
while awake (the frequencies used for plant growth worked best when the plants were allowed to “rest” at

The length of the dose (30 minutes) is also based on the research results derived from the greatest
effectiveness observed when applied to plants.

* It was shown that longer exposure times to music “treatments” were not most effective – in fact, the
benefits began at 30 minutes and then decreased after about 3 hours. So our “dose” is timed perfectly to be
easy to take, give the greatest benefit, but not subject you to “overexposure.” (This is why we do not
suggest listening to your BioSonic Bloom audio treatement all night or day, but only once or twice per

As you can see, we’ve done exhaustive research, design and testing for this product, and it shows! Every
detail has been considered and nothing left to chance.

Oh, sorry! I was so excited to get a bottle of this into YOUR hands, I forgot to update you on the
status of my “faraway friend in need” who started this whole story!…

Here’s the (happy) update….

As soon as we had the first supply of our new BioSonic Bloom formula complete, I sat down at my computer
and sealed up a “packet” of it and addressed it directly to her private email account.

Now, you may be wondering: How could I be sure she would get it, and not someone else?

After all, she’d had her phone confiscated…good question.

That’s why I sent it to an old email address we used to use back when we were in college together…and I
put the whole digital bottle into an encrypted file…

About a week later (during which I chewed all my fingernails to the bone), I got an email back
from her.

It said she was doing fine – she’d taken my “dose” exactly as I’d instructed, every morning – in

And the results were wonderful! She said she was experiencing sudden flooding feelings of hope
and wellbeing…

She could finally think clearly, and best of all…the way she was putting
her mind to things, and
broadcasting her emotions and intuition had already “pulled” everything she needed towards

The very next day, in fact, she’d received a job offer from a company she’d
inquired about months ago…offering her a salary that would totally cover her costs as a single,
working mom with her own apartment…

The apartment she’d had her eyes on had since opened up, and the landlady offered to drive over
to HER house in her car, to pick her up to go see it and get the keys…

And one of her best friends had offered to take the kids while another promised to help her move…the
very next week!

She said she was already working on the project for her new client, and experiencing floods of both
massive emotional relief, and floods of mental clarity and brilliant problem-solving abilities like
she’d never experienced before!

I could tell from her note, she was over the moon with excitement and happiness –

And so was I! I’d never been so happy to get an email in my box before.

In any case – that’s why I was so eager to get a bottle of this into YOUR hands-

Because I know in my heart that her story is just one of hundreds and thousands to come – and I want
yours to be one of them!

So please…even if you had any hesitations before…if your life isn’t currently exactly as you’d love it
to be right now…

If you’re struggling with finances…

Lack of fulfilling relationships or a thrilling love life…

Or maybe you even have all those but are feeling a lack of purpose…

Maybe you don’t feel like you “know who you are” anymore…

Or you just wish you had the power to grow and change faster…

And you’d love to experience “No holds barred” growth on the mental, emotional, and spiritual

With wealth and abundance pouring into your life even as a “side benefit”

Please grab yourself one of my “beta-bottles” right now – and try it out!

BioSonic Bloom not only stimulates your pineal gland to open and receive
and wealth from the
Universe in the same way as plant stomata is stimulated to open and receive nutrients from the Sun…

But it also can provide the same kind of enhanced cellular vibrancy, vitality and resistance to
attacks from
without – either by psychic or organic entities…

Not only that – but if you order today, you will also get these early adopter

A set of three exclusive guided meditations tuned to complement the 528 Hz and 432 Hz frequencies
in BioSonic Bloom.

These meditations act as an accelerator, helping you quickly align and amplify the transformative
power of the BioSonic Bloom frequencies.

An exclusive curated playlist of focused frequency tracks (binaural beats, solfeggio
tones, and
more) that supercharge your BioSonic Bloom sessions.

Expand your experience and enhance your results by adding binaural beats and solfeggio tones,
both of which have also been shown to be beneficial for plant growth and vibrancy. Perfect to
combine with the 528 Hz and 432 Hz frequencies.

Pairs dietary support with BioSonic Bloom, creating a more holistic approach to activating and
maintaining abundance energy.

If you’re feeling stuck in the situation you’re in…unable to “branch out” and bloom like you
should be by now…then is the time to try something new.

Because if you don’t take action now, you will always wonder what WOULD
have happened if you

I can promise you, once you try BioSonic Bloom, your life will never be the same… but don’t take my word
for it alone…

listen to what other people have had to say
about the life changing effects they experienced with my first supplement (developed by the same team of
scientists, researchers, and bio-engineers)…

(This story is fresh and new, and just barely happened!) So, other than the effects me and my lab
partners experienced, and of course what my friend experienced – we don’t (yet) have hundreds of

BUT – in spite of that, I want to give you an idea of what has happened for those who have used my
original formula – so you can see how my products work.

With any luck, YOU will be one of the next success stories – sending in your rave review of the
results you got with BioSonic Bloom!

With thousands of reviews from all around the world, and an average of 4.8 out of 5 stars, Pineal XT
has touched the lives of many.

Listen to what she had to say about Pineal XT…

“After hearing about it from a friend, I decided to try it out for myself. I was a bit skeptical at first, but,
just like Dr. Thompson explains on his website, I started noticing incredible changes within a week or so.

I felt more energized… I was able to sleep better… I felt almost euphoric… happy and excited… I also started to
have dreams, something I haven’t had for years.

And then one night, while I was visiting my sister in LosAngeles, I had a dream of a horrific train accident. It
really shook me up because I was supposed to take the train back to Chicago later that week.

Something in my gut told me not to take the train, so I booked a flight instead

I saw in the news later on, the train I was supposed to take, hit a dump truck injuring 150 people, and killing

I am positive I had this dream, because of Pineal XT, and it may have very well saved my life.

After this happened, I went back and ordered 10 more bottles [laughs a little bit], there is no way I’m taking
the chance of not being able to get more of this!”

Hello, my name is Michael. I’m writing today to inform everyone of this amazing product that was bestowed
me. I know it may seem a little to good to be true, or perhaps choreographed, and you feel a little
Trust me I was. I have to tell you, I’m one of the most skeptical people you could find. However, when it
to my health, and well-being, how do you even put a price tag on that?

A friend of mine told me about this site, and about this product, and said it was a must try. I’ve been going
through lot of difficult times. I’m fifteen months into a nasty divorce, and thought I should do something
help me with stress, anxiety, mental clarity, and manifest positivity.

So, I purchased Pineal XT about a month ago, and faithful and consistently have been taking it along
watching, reading, and following, all of Eric and his teams e-mails and helpful videos and articles.

I’m so grateful now that abundance comes to me easily and effortlessly & consistently on an everyday
Just last week I’ve had a positive ruling on my divorce, won a 50/50 at a fundraiser, and ran into a special
person. I can now feel confident about being able to manifest just about anything; you can too!

I recommend Pineal XT to anyone.

3,316 people found this helpful

I just started taking Pineal XT a week ago. I had no expectations, just wanted to add this to
clearing blocks in my body.

First, I had a cyst on my wrist by my thumb that had been getting larger. Went to my PCP on 2/16
and got a referral to a hand surgeon that was scheduled for 2/22. I was very concerned about the
procedure and was wishing I didn’t have to have it. Well, when I woke up yesterday,
I noticed that it was gone!! My Daughter is a nurse and she couldn’t explain
the spontaneous healing.

Now, she is going to start taking it.

Also found out my friend, Michelle Star, is taking it. And she suggested I tell you about this.
I also had an item that I wanted to purchase but the model would not be available for 3 to 4
months. Well, I went to a vendor show and there it was! It was the ONLY one in the entire

What were the odds? Anyway, it will be interesting to see how things unfold for me

2,221 people found this helpful

After 1.5 months as a recommended dosage regimen, one can say that the results have been

For example, the swelling in my feet, acquired shortly before Pineal XT, has disappeared.

Also, convulsions I developed 5 years ago are have vanished. Thirdly, my dreams state visual
imagery is unaffected remaining an ongoing legacy. Thanks

1,898 people found this helpful

Hey, Eric! I have to say I have noticed a big difference in my dreams after taking Pineal XT
now for a month and a half. Much more intense, but my problem occurs when I awaken. I can only
hold onto the dream momentarily and it’s gone like a wisp of smoke in a hurricane.

Overall, I feel like whatever is in the capsules is doing my entire body good. I have noticed my
psoriasis has nearly disappeared on my scalp. I was keeping it under control, but it may be my
imagination…when I feel like this blend has jumped into action in more ways than one. My
psoriasis is definitely in remission.

Not what I expected at all.

Just thought I would share that with you in case you’ve heard of other cases. Let me give your
product kudos. I am one who doesn’t take medications for much of anything…ever. I’m always on
the side of natural remedies. Perhaps this, too, is a natural remedy for more than just the
Pineal gland.

I will continue to take them and I hope to be able to report more improvements
to you in the future.

Light and goodness to you!

2,109 people found this helpful

Whoa, something really crazy just happened to me and it was full of beautiful light and I knew at
that instant I was tapped into something I’ve never known inside myself.

I’m still trying to sort it out. But I was definitely connected to the universe and what I saw
was in colors patterns and frequency and this gets a little stronger the longer I take Pineal

This is major cuz this is the first time I’ve gotten a glimpse into something that my brain was
dead on.

1,268 people found this helpful

Thank you Steve! I took one capsule yesterday afternoon when I got the package, and then another
this morning as I plan to do on a regular basis.

Increased energy has been vibrating gently throughout my body from about an hour after I first
took it, and all day, which is extremely encouraging.

More and more groups are developing that teach focusing on seeing things as already manifested in
a positive way – I’ve been doing it for about two years and the effects are amazing.

This particular group sounds like one I can relate to and I look forward to hearing more about
it. Thanks again!

1,213 people found this helpful

Hi Eric this is my experience with Pineal XT.
I had a massive stroke caused by a broken neck from being hit by semi truck.
The stroke did alot of brain damage both sides of my brain and brain stem.
I’ve always used natural remedy to help heal with then one day I came across your Pineal gland and what I
read sounded like what I needed to help reopen my third eye my Pineal gland
so I ordered me some.

I got some Pineal XT and began using it. 4 days later I started feeling a chance
My mind started to get clear and as time went by I became more aware.
My mind is getting brighter It’s like I’m getting closer to God waking up to the world.
So I’m going to keep on going taking it to the limit. The hole world be using Pineal XT
People will be able think clearer. Thank you keep up the good work.

984 people found this helpful

Yes I’ve received it and it’s starting to take affect I’m thinking clearer I’ve only been using
it for 5 days so when I get all 3 containers empty I’ll be doing well if I’m not where I want to
be I’ll order some more and some for my son and daughter hopef.

65 people found this helpful

We receive emails and video responses to our original formula, Pineal XT like this on a daily

We have already changed the lives of thousands of people around the world, and you could be the next
success story – after becoming one of the “early adopters” of our exciting new formula!

Once you try our new BioSonic Bloom supplement in “digital packet” form , your life will never be
the same!

Simply take one dose per day, it doesn’t matter what time (although we recommend at the beginning of the
day), so you don’t have to fret about trying to remember the exact time, and it also doesn’t need to be
taken in a certain environment – while lying down, or sitting in your favorite chair, or even having
your morning coffee is ok.

If you want to take it more times per day, you can increase your dose to 2x (once in the morning and
once at night) however we do not recommend more than that, as the studies with plants show that more
exposure is not necessarily better for results.

Like with any supplement, the dosage amount matters.

After a week or less, you should already start to feel more energized, have more focus, be able to fall
asleep easier and get deep, restful sleep…not to mention experiencing a sudden and noticeable “growth
spurt” begin in all areas of your life – including:

All orders are kept confidential and your personal information is protected by 256-bit

Once you place your order, it will be processed within 24 hours and rush delivered to you
any shipping costs in a discreet digital “Packet” format that you can open and use immediately.

If you don’t start feeling increased mental clarity… find yourself making better financial
decisions… having more energy…

If you don’t start noticing unexpected bursts of abundance flowing your way… having people
offer to help you out of the blue…

In other words if you’re not able to start manifesting new opportunities into your life… and
achieving unprecedented growth…

If that’s not an incredibly fair deal for you, then I don’t know what is. All we ask is that you try
it out and see for yourself. And then let us know how it works!

I know you’ll make the right choice to make a change in your life right now… because you have
nothing to risk, and I just know it wasn’t an accident that you found this page today.

I can’t wait to hear about all of the blessings the Universe is about to send your way!

The testimonials that appear on this site are actual responses from our dear customers. They reflect their
real-life experiences with our products in some way or another. However, please note that individual results
may vary. We do not claim that those who use our products will have a general result. These testimonials do
not represent all the people who use our product. More importantly, these testimonials are not meant to
imply that these items can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, alleviate, or prevent any disease. These claims
have not been clinically proven or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Except for grammatical or
typographical errors, the testimonials are presented verbatim. Some of the sentences have been shortened. In
other words, testimonials that only seemed relevant are displayed for the general public and do not
represent the whole message sent by our customers.

The Food and Drug Administration has not reviewed these statements. These products are not meant to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any illness. The products are not intended for people who have a medical condition.
Only use as indicated. Before taking any prescription medication, talk to your doctor.

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